A little introduction

Daniel Smith - NXS

Hello, I’m Daniel Smith.

I’m a marketing professional, currently residing in Brundall, Norfolk, UK.

I’ve spent most of my career designing, developing and marketing brands, with a keen interest in B2B marketing.

Aside from spending time with my family, I love sketching and football. An odd combination (I know), but I grew up with yellow and green in my blood (Norwich City fan) and in the quiet depths of South Norfolk, so I had very little choice.


After 10 years working for a variety of businesses, from agencies to tech start-ups, I decided to go freelance and start my own business. In 2016, I co-founded JaeVee with my brother and was the chief architect of its online platform.

By 2021, I decided to take a step back from JaeVee to focus on my family.

This gave me an opportunity to join a great local MSP, Computer Service Centre (Now Acora One).

During my career, I’ve also worked with Cancer Research UK, The Parks Trust, Farm Africa, Entu, Kidney Research UK, Chester Zoo, Papworth Hospital Charity and Rent4sure to name a few.

Community work

When I’m not doing client work and spending time with the family, I like to dabble in a bit of community work. Along with a number of other parents in 2021, I co-founded a grassroots football club called Brundall Bolts. I’m the current Chair and U11 girls team coach.

Since the launch of our first team in January 2022, the Club has grown to 100+ children and 30+ volunteers.

Our key differentiator is that, as a Club, we only do positive!

Something we’re very proud of.

Our U11 Brontēs with Norwich City Women 😊